Robotics ROS Course | NeXT Course (Autonomous Robots)
This course is designed to teach the student how to use ROS and Gazebosim. The course has lecture slides and practice problems.
All the course requires is Ubuntu Desktop which can be served on VMware virtual machine. There will be lesssons found on my
YouTube Channel. The course uses Husky Robot in a simulated environment. The environment will incorporate a laser scanner
that the Husky will use to figure out it's environment. The project will teach the student how to use Eclipse and create
custom code and algorithms for the Husky to use. ROS and Gazebosim are also used by the military and more information on that
can be found by researching DARPA and their Atlas Robot. Take a look at the course slides below and I hope you enjoy this course.
VMWare(Free) |
Ubuntu 14.04(Trusty Tahr Free) | YouTube: How To Install Ubuntu On VMWare